HOME SUP-HOME SUP-English SUP-ITEM SUP-LOCATION 初めての方はこちら-Lecture SUP-Gallery SNOW-HOME Snowboard-Rental Snow gallery 予約/Reserve メニュー HOME SUP-HOME SUP-English SUP-ITEM SUP-LOCATION 初めての方はこちら-Lecture SUP-Gallery SNOW-HOME Snowboard-Rental Snow gallery 予約/Reserve ツアーのメインになっている猪苗代湖は 日本で4番目に広い湖で、 百名山の磐梯山と共に福島県のシンボルです。Lake Inawashiro is the main attraction of the tour.It is the fourth largest lake in Japan.It is a symbol of Fukushima Prefecture, along with Mt. Bandai, one of the 100 Famous Mountains. ツアーのメインになっている猪苗代湖は 日本で4番目に広い湖で、 百名山の磐梯山と共に福島県のシンボルです。Lake Inawashiro is the main attraction of the tour.It is the fourth largest lake in Japan.It is a symbol of Fukushima Prefecture, along with Mt. Bandai, one of the 100 Famous Mountains. 猪苗代湖は水質日本一だったこともあるぐらい水質も透明度も抜群なので躊躇なく水に入れますツアー前後に湖水浴もお楽しみいただけます Lake Inawashiro was once said to havethe best water quality in Japan.The water quality and clarity are excellent,so you can enter the water without hesitation.You can also enjoy swimmingin the lake before or after the tour. 猪苗代湖は水質日本一だったこともあるぐらい水質も透明度も抜群なので躊躇なく水に入れますツアー前後に湖水浴もお楽しみいただけます Lake Inawashiro was once said to havethe best water quality in Japan.The water quality and clarity are excellent,so you can enter the water without hesitation.You can also enjoy swimmingin the lake before or after the tour. 湖の中では珍しく綺麗な浜もあるので 湖水浴やBBQ・キャンプも人気です There is also a rare and beautiful beach within the lake.Lake bathing, BBQ, and camping are also popular. 猪苗代湖は広いので風波が強いことが多いですがガイドが当日の風向きや混み具合などを考慮して場所を選ぶので安心です Lake Inawashiro is large, so the winds and waves are often strong.The guide will choose the location taking into account the wind direction and crowd level on the day.You can feel safe because you choose. 猪苗代湖は広いので風波が強いことが多いですがガイドが当日の風向きや混み具合などを考慮して場所を選ぶので安心です Lake Inawashiro is large, sothe winds and waves are often strong.The guide will choose the location takinginto account the wind directionand crowd level on the day.You can feel safe because you choose. 猪苗代湖には冒険のようなコースもございます!自然の中での新たな挑戦と感動を、私たちと一緒に体験しましょう! There are also adventure-like courses at Lake Inawashiro!Come experience new challengesand excitement in nature with us! 猪苗代湖には冒険のようなコースもございます! 自然の中での新たな挑戦と感動を、私たちと一緒に体験しましょう! There are also adventure-like courses at Lake Inawashiro! Come experience new challenges and excitement in nature with us! リピーター様限定の 朝日を楽しめるSunrise Corse 夕陽を眺めながらゆったりできるEvening Sun Corse こちらもおすすめです Limited to repeat customers Sunrise Corse where you can enjoy the morning sun Evening Sun Corse where you can relax while watching the sunset We also recommend this. リピーター様限定の朝日を楽しめるSunrise Corse夕陽を眺めながらゆったりできるEvening Sun Corseこちらもおすすめです Limited to repeat customersSunrise Corse where you can enjoy the morning sunEvening Sun Corse where you can relaxwhile watching the sunsetWe also recommend this. TEL:080-5176-3625MAIL:crib.inawashiro@gmail.com〒969-3113Inawasiromachi-Hanimachi38Yamagun,Fukushima